Dialectical behavior therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) combines behavior and cognitive therapies with the goal of providing patients with the healthy and positive mechanism of going through a painful experience or emotions. The therapy was by Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. during the 1970s (Linehan, 1993). DBT was intended to treat patients with borderline personality disorders. The therapy aims to enable patients control their self-defeating thoughts, increase self-awareness, handle conflict and stress and modify thinking through the DBT processes. The main core principles under this therapeutic approach include dialectical thinking, differentiating between ineffective and effective behaviors, none -judgmental approach m and the therapeutic relationship primacy. Additionally, there are four main treatment models for DBT, which are distress tolerance, mindfulness, emotional regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. The therapy categories treatment into targets and strategies that with some few exceptions, strictly adhering to them when addressing the problem.

Benefit to society
The DBT is of benefit to the society through a wide range of ways. First the approach is vital in decreasing high-risk self-harming and suicidal behavior among people. The therapy also decreases interfering behaviors and behaviors that interfere with a person’s quality of life such as drug abuse, eating problems and unstable relationships. The approach is also helpful in assisting people master and learns behaviors for mood-independent life choices. The approach further helps to decrease symptoms of depressions, anxiety, stress and trauma. It helps individuals set goals so as to improve their worth of living and to enhance and sustain their self-respect (Linehan, 1993).

Pros and Cons
The advantage of DBT includes its ability to retain clients. Studies on the effectiveness of DBT have demonstrated its ability to retain clients throughout the treatment process. It is despite the therapy being a relatively long form of treatment lasting for 12 months. The therapy also has a high rate of client satisfaction DBT goal is, therefore, effective in meeting its goal of building a life worth living to patients. The therapy does not just aim at relieving symptoms but also decreasing the high cost of psychiatric services. DBT defines a life worth living as that in which a person attains ordinary happiness and happiness. DBT is a principle based and flexible treatment for all forms of multi-diagnostic patients. The treatment is flexible in addressing the specific needs of patients within a structured and standard framework. The DBT structure enables treatment of individuals suffering from substance use disorders and comorbid Axis I disorders. DBT aims to ensure the improvement of life.

The therapy as has clearly defined goals that define behavioral targets. It clearly specifies the functions for every treatment model. The therapy shows other forms of treatment provide no DBT and DBT interact with each other. It specifies the criteria that for determining the start of a formal exposures and guards against iatrogenic effects. DBT is a therapy driven on principle in a flexible manner in which the specific needs of a patient are within a structured and standard framework. DBT promotes the weekly monitoring of outcomes in a diary card. It helps to track the clinical progress by monitoring behavior.

The dialectical behavior therapy has the limitation of the presence of disjunction. It is because of the incompatible conceptual horizons in understanding. The approach also has a major inadequacy when examined from an existential-phenomenological perspective, for it fails to provide on the meaning of suicide to its participants. It also does not offer explanations on how they experience suicide and how to understand the phenomena as part of the treatment process. According to Linehan’s view patients with BPD, who end up committing suicide, are predisposed to do so because of genetic and biological factors in the first place and environmental factors that exacerbate the problem.

The people who can benefit from DBT are those who suffer from behavioral and emotional issues. It is also for people with disorders of eating disorders, depression disorders, chemical addiction/ dependent, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders and post-traumatic disorder. It is because the DBT aims are helping people regulate their emotions and to find a much healthier mechanism for coping (Linehan, 1993). DBT has over the recent years being incorporated for treating people with eating disorders like binge eating, bulimia, compulsive eating, emotional eating, and anorexia. The accompanying of eating disorders is by deep impulsive behavior, negative emotions and patterns of relieving psychological and emotional pain. DBT according to eating disorder specialists is naturally the best approach for treating these kinds of life-threatening problems.

Environmental economics

Question 2
I do agree with the statement that humans are destined to destroy themselves through polluting the earth and depleting the resources. Humans have been draining the earth resources and depleting the natural resources. Most of the environmental damage that happens in the world does not start with the large companies but through the cumulative actions of people. Some of the activities we engage in, tend to have a significant impact on the environment, and they ultimately harm our well-being. The main problem is with regards to energy use, and as a result, it is necessary to establish policies that will completely curb the use of fossil fuel energy sources such as oil. The burning of the fossil fuel does produce the greenhouse gasses, which lead to global warming. Therefore, so as to save the environment, it is important that such a policy be implemented.

Question 4
Natural capital is considered as the earth natural resources and also the ecological systems that offer vital life support services to societies and the living things. These services are of significant economic value, and some tend to be priceless as they do not have substitutes. The natural capitalism is considered as a new model of business, which enables the firms to realize their opportunities fully. According to Paul Hawken, natural capitalism does recognize critical interdependence between production and the use of human-made capital and maintenance and supply of the natural capital. By recognizing the relationship with the valuable resources on earth, it is only then that business and people will continue to exist. From the definition of the term natural capitalism, it is clear that it does extend the recognition of the human capital and natural capital.

Question 5
The 11th Hour film is an excellent illustration of what we need to do as humankind. From watching the film, I learned that we need to treat the earth the same way that we treat ourselves and our homes by starting cleaning it up. It is clear that our behaviors both collectively and individually are contributing to the damage caused in the environment. By watching the film, I realized that as human beings, we do not have all the time in the world, but the earth does have this time. Therefore, so as to help ourselves and keep the earth clean, we should start the process of cleaning up the environment. We all play a significant role in keeping the Earth safe for all of us so that we can protect ourselves. From the film, some of the ways that we can save the environment are through sustainable homes, conscious consumer choices, diversified transportation, alternate energy sources, and enlightened government agendas.

Question 1
The Limit’s to Growth study is considered as flawed. The predictions in the study have failed to take place because the study did not generate a robust current of the academic resource. From the study, none of the numbers used in the study was a prediction of what would happen. The information that was used to predict the future was only based on what was happening in the previous years. However, the study did not consider certain issues such as technological advances that would work to help improve the processes. The lack of this consideration and the innovative changes greatly contributed to the study being flawed and the predictions not coming true.

Changing trends in Engineering Education

Today’s era gives opportunity to select a perfect career path for every student. The availability of various options gives scope to choose a particular way according to the interest and silks of the candidate. The world class study centers are exploring various professional courses. There are many renowned institutes to provide ample numbers of study options. The changing scenario of professional education affects the demand of every course. Metropolitan cities of every country full with such high tech class room facilities. The high demand of job oriented courses leads to establish of many colleges. Such colleges are speeded over different part of the country. Heavy demand for professional education is the replica of successful professional career path.

No doubt engineering is always a desired job for all every student who ever study well in his college career. The tough courses of study or difficult exam pressure could not restrict pupil to select this career path. By focusing on this rising demand of engineering may more branches and its sub braches are coming under engineering. The metropolitan cities become more populated with students those come from far country sides to build their career. Higher study in a reputed institute is the dream of every student. Keeping that thing in eyes many engineering colleges in Bhubaneswar are established.

Mostly our society believes that engineering profession comes after the doctors. High remuneration and sophisticated corporate environment attracts every one for such lavish life style. World’s highest paid professional’s life is the desire for everyone. Giant MNCs are always ready to invest much more for every skill full engineers. The top ranked companies like Google highly focused to grab such talented human resources. Globalization enables the technical people to migrate far countries in the search of reputed job in MNCs. These days’ people more likely to interest for jobs in abroad, worlds best technical professionals placed at America and Japan.

India also known in the world market for its chip and qualitative IT services. The IT industries in our country earn most part of its income from outside nations. Boom in the economy have largest share in the GDP. These facilities force students to select this tough career path. All such demand for engineering profession gets fulfilled by the colleges in every city. There are many engineering colleges in Odisha, which are distributed among different cities of the states. No doubt these colleges enhance the brand reputation of Engineering. As compare to any other professional courses engineering has largest demand in our society. It involves so many branches which are consisting of lots of creative works. These creative talents get developed in the perfect environment provided by these colleges. Parents even more aware about various professional courses, they select world class coaching facilities for their kids. Changing trends in the education more focused about pre placement of the worthy students. So many reputed companies are there to take these fresher students to enlighten the skill part of these people. The education system also changes with the changing scenario of engineering.